
Your Eyelashes Will Look Better with Latisse

Latisse is the first solution approved by the FDA and prescribed by our physicians to treat hypotrichosis (that is, a less than normal amount of hair). It will grow eyelashes and make them longer, thicker, and darker.

Here’s what you need to know:

How does it work?

You apply Latisse yourself once a day in the evening to the base of the upper eyelashes. Simply follow the basic guidelines in the product package and improvements will become apparent over time. Great results don’t happen overnight. They are gradual and will peak at four months. We recommend that you take a “before” photograph of yourself prior to beginning your Latisse treatments. Most patients generally begin to see results in about four weeks. Taking additional photographs about every four weeks will help you see the full effect of your eyelash transformation.

Does Latisse replace Mascara?

No, but mascara is a great complement to Latisse to help make your eyelashes look even longer and more attractive.

What Happens if I Stop Using Latisse?

Your eyelashes will return to their previous appearance over several months.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Some patients have reported that after using Latisse solution they experienced an itching sensation in the eyes and/or eye redness. Other less common side effects on the skin close to where Latisse is applied include skin darkening, eye irritation, dryness of the eyes, and redness of the eyelids.

Is it Safe?

Latisse is an FDA-approved prescription treatment for hypotrichosis and can be used to grow eyelashes longer, thicker, and darker. The FDA reviewed the Latisse clinical study and found the product to be safe and effective for its intended purpose if used as prescribed.

If you’re not happy with the lashes you were born with, Latisse is a safe and effective option for growing noticeably denser eyelashes.